Tips To Help Seniors Avoid House Fires

House fires can be even more serious for seniors who are living at home than for other people. According to FEMA, seniors have double the risk of being injured or dying in a house fire. Seniors typically have slower reaction times, which can cost them precious second that they need to get out of the house. Seniors also may have mobility challenges that limit their ability to move fast in an emergency. One of the reasons that elder care is recommended for seniors is to help them in an emergency like a house fire. 

Because of the increased risk to seniors if a house fire breaks out fire safety should be something that seniors are very concerned about. Seniors who are living alone should have elder care. They should also have an emergency plan in place that includes and easy route out of the house in case of a fire. Some things that seniors can do to avoid house fires are:

Check Smoke Alarms Often

Seniors, or their elder care provider, should check the smoke alarms often to make sure they are still working. Replacing the batteries is recommended at least every six months. Seniors may also want to upgrade to alarms that are wired into the home’s wiring so they don’t need batteries. If seniors are hard of hearing the smoke alarms should be replaced with alarms that flash light as well as make noise to alert that there is a fire. 

Be Cautious in the Kitchen

Kitchen accidents and appliances are the number one cause of house fires. Seniors should have elder care to help them cook if there is a risk that they will forget the stove is on, or leave an appliance like a coffee pot on. Plugging appliances into smart plugs is a great way to reduce the risk of kitchen appliance fires because you will be able to check on and control those appliances from an app on your phone. You can also put appliances on timers. 

Get The Electrical Checked Regularly

Once or twice a year it’s a good idea to have an electrician come in to check the home’s wiring, check appliance cords, make sure the dryer is safe, and generally make sure the home doesn’t have any glaring electrical problems. Finding and fixing problems early can prevent fires later on. 

Use Space Heaters Safely

Space heaters should be used cautiously if at all. Keep them at least three feet away from combustible materials, such as curtains or furniture. Ensure that space heaters have an automatic shut-off feature in case they tip over. It’s a great idea to put a space heater on a timer so that it isn’t left on.

Don’t Smoke In The House

Seniors really shouldn’t smoke at all. But, seniors who do smoke shouldn’t smoke in the house. In addition to it being very unhealthy to smoke indoors it’s also a big fire risk. Seniors who aren’t ready to quit smoking yet should always go outside to smoke. 

Don’t Burn Candles

Candles can create a big fire risk and they really aren’t safe for seniors to burn in the house. Flameless candles are a safe way to recreate the cozy glow of candles. And diffusers and air sprays can give the home a wonderful smell so that seniors don’t have to burn a scented candle to make the home smell good. 

 If you or an aging loved one are considering elder care in Manalapan Township NJ, please contact the caring staff at Lares Home Care 888-492-3538 or 732-566-1112.
