Six Unusual Ways Seniors Are Earning Spending Money

Social Security income isn’t always enough for retirees. If there are no pensions or other retirement funds to supplement SSI, seniors often end up making choices between medications and food or medical costs and electricity. It shouldn’t be that way, but the money seniors get after retirement isn’t always enough to keep up with the rising cost of living.

Caregiver in Old Bridge Township NJ: Unusual Ways Seniors Are Earning Spending Money

If your parents find themselves struggling financially, there are ways they can make a little money to help cover any gaps. Here are six of the more unusual ways seniors make money.

Answering and Editing Student Questions.

Sites like the homework helper eNotes hire adults to edit and answer student questions. Questions fit dozens of categories that include history, literature, math, and science. Educators have guidelines to follow for formatting and citations. When an answer is approved by the editorial team, you get up to $6 sent via check or PayPal.

Filling Out Surveys for Cash.

Many sites pay people to complete online surveys. The money is usually minimal, but it builds up. For example, Google Rewards pays up to a dollar for the surveys sent via an app. You can use the cash you earn to rent or buy movies or buy games and e-books.

Joining a Focus Group.

Focus groups help companies test and modify products or services. There’s good money to be made participating in a focus group. You might get onto a panel to test new perfumes and offer feedback or try a new game and give suggestions on what you liked and what didn’t work for you.

Participating in Clinical Trials.

Clinical trials help pharmaceutical companies and hospitals test new medications, therapies, and vaccines. Participants are paid for their time. You usually have to have a certain medical condition and be willing to go to the hospital or office at specific intervals to answer questions and get checked for reactions or side effects.

Selling Recyclables as New Items.

Your dad loves making birdhouses out of empty cans. Your mom weaves plastic grocery bags into place mats. Through sites like Etsy or farmers’ markets, your parent can market a recycle/reuse theme, sell those items, and get some cash in the process.

Walking Dogs.

Walking is great exercise for the elderly. If your parent walks a neighbor’s dog for cash, it’s a win-win for both sides. The dog gets a break in the middle of the day and your mom or dad has someone to walk with. There are several online sites where people can post their availability, rates, and requirements for walking dogs.

The extra money can help your mom or dad afford senior care services. Rather than age at home without help, caregivers make sure your parent has healthy meals, takes medications on time, and has rides to appointments.

If you or an aging loved one are considering caregiver services in Old Bridge Township, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Lares Home Care 888-492-3538 or 732-566-1112.