Pet Therapy
Lares Home Care offers pet therapy! We are pleased to introduce our clients to our dogs, Max and Boomer.
Max and Boomer are trained to be supportive therapy dogs. Our clients love to see them.
- Max and Boomer provide four-legged cheer!
- helps lower blood pressure,
- helps clients recall memories of their pets,
- helps clients recall memories of their childhood/pets
- improves social, cognitive and emotional function
- lowers anxiety and promotes relaxation
Through their own zest for life, dogs help people maintain a positive outlook. A positive attitude is key to good health, happiness, and staying young.
Seniors are often lacking the feeling that they are “needed”. Pets allow them, even if for a short time, to be nurturers once again. Also, in a very real physical sense, clients can stroke their warm, furry visitors, facilitating social behavior and encouraging physical movement.
“Dogs love almost everyone without prejudice, and they eliminate the language barrier. Therapy dogs have tremendously reduced high anxiety. Dogs, because of their social nature, often genuinely like people and choose to be around them in addition to their owners/handlers. Often, they are aware of illness and sadness and WANT to provide companionship and comfort; they are both intuitive and compassionate. It is always a joy to see them detect sorrow and watch them lick tears away.
Dogs are an antidote to depression – and an easy pill to take. A visit from a Therapy Dog can break the daily routine and stimulate the mind in dramatic ways. The most serious problem for older adults is not of disease; it’s loneliness. Therapy Dogs and their handlers can make a senior come alive, ultimately, inviting clients back to the world outside the home.”

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