Indoor Exercises to Boost Senior Winter Activity

Home care assistance can help seniors stay active in the colder months.
Home care assistance can help seniors stay active in the colder months.

Staying active is helpful for seniors on a physical level, but it also brings emotional benefits. Those can be really important during the winter months, when seniors may have a tougher time getting outside to get movement in. These activities are easy to do indoors and home care assistance providers can be there to offer support and reminders as needed.

Low-impact Exercises

Low-impact exercises like walking, body-weight exercises, and cycling are all great ideas for seniors who want to stay in shape or get more physically active. They’re also easy to do at home with the right tools.

Cycling and walking might require specialized exercise equipment, like a stationary bike or a treadmill, but body-weight exercises can be done with nothing at all. There are lots of videos available on YouTube that can help seniors learn how to do body-weight exercises.


Spending some time each day stretching helps to lubricate the joints, loosens tight muscles, and just feels great. Seniors might find that stretching right after they get up and before bed helps them to feel better overall.

They can talk with their doctors about what stretches are best for them, but the best part about gentle stretching is that it doesn’t take any special equipment or knowledge.


Yoga is a fantastic way for seniors to get physical benefits as well as breathing exercises and meditation in. Starting out with easy poses and following routines that offer lots of adaptations makes yoga easy for beginners to do safely.

There are tons of resources available for doing yoga at home, whether that’s through books, videotapes, or YouTube videos. Making yoga a regular part of everyday routines can offer significant benefits in multiple areas of life.

Walking in Place

Although walking in place falls under low-impact exercises, it might deserve special mention. There are tons of resources available, from audiotapes to YouTube series, that are devoted to helping people walk in place and gradually build up their stamina.

If seniors don’t want to listen to or watch anything specifically related to walking, they can listen to a podcast or audiobook or watch a favorite movie or TV show while they rack up the steps.

Active Video Games

There are lots of options for active video games out there and seniors might find those more fun than they realize. Engaging with video games can often be cognitively stimulating, and connecting with other people through the game offers social benefits, too. But being up and active throughout the game offers the most benefits of all.

There are dancing games, simulation games like bowling or tennis, and a ton of other options, too. These are a great idea for seniors who find regular exercise to be kind of boring to do. Home care assistance providers can help seniors with the technical aspects if they need extra assistance.

Staying active during the winter can take some planning for aging adults. Home care assistance can work with seniors to find the activities they enjoy most and then help work those activities into regular routines.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Assistance in Marlboro Township, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Lares Home Care (732) 334-3323.

Roy Kleinert