When Recovery Doesn’t Go as Planned, Could That Increase the Risk of Hospital Readmission?

In-Home Care: Hospital Readmission Prevention in Matawan, NJ

Following a hospitalization, there are many factors that impact recovery. The person’s age, their overall health prior to the hospitalization, the reason they were hospitalized, and much more. For example, an 86-year-old who had a stroke is going to face a much more challenging recovery than a 20-year-old who broke their ankle. For people as…

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When a Family Member Burns Out of Caregiving, Home Care Is the Best Option

In-Home Care: Family Caregiver Burnout in Manalapan Township, NJ

It’s one of the most natural things for people to do: step up and help when a loved one needs assistance. When that loved one is an aging parent or even your spouse, you don’t think twice. If you live close enough that it makes sense to stop by on a regular basis, you will…

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In-Home Care Slipper Safety 101

in-home care

Let’s face it, after a long day or just a lazy Saturday, it’s nice to slide into a cozy pair of slippers. However, slippers can spell disaster for seniors. For seniors to safely wear slippers, they need the right kind. When choosing slippers, the in-home care team can advise loved ones and seniors and ensure…

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In-Home Care Tips To Get A Senior With Alzheimer’s To Eat More

In-Home Care

A large percentage of seniors are chronically malnourished. But seniors with Alzheimer’s have a bigger risk of becoming malnourished as Alzheimer’s progresses. That’s because seniors may experience changes in the taste of food due to their condition. Alzheimer’s can cause seniors to not recognize when they are hungry. And it can cause seniors to develop…

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