Caregiver in Keyport NJ
What is the Source for Your Elderly Loved One’s Stress?
If your elderly loved one doesn’t seem like themselves, stress might be the cause.
Read MoreFour Tips for Rekindling Your Social Life as a Caregiver
Most caregivers wind up with a dwindling social life at some point. That’s understandable, with everything that you have to do as a caregiver, but you can still have social interaction that doesn’t have anything to do with your caregiving duties. Reach out to Other People. Whether it’s in line at the grocery store or…
Read MoreWhat Can You Do as a Caregiver to Help Focus on Your Own Needs?
Focusing on your own needs might not be so easy to do as a family caregiver, but it has to be done. If you don’t, you’ll quickly find that it’s impossible to be as effective a caregiver as you really want to be. Taking care of you enables you to take care of everyone that…
Read MoreCelebrating the Fourth of July with Your Aging Parent
Caregiver in Keyport NJ Nothing says summer quite like the Fourth of July and as your family is gearing up to enjoy all of the patriotic fun and excitement that this holiday brings, it is important that you do not forget about your caregiver role. Your aging loved one may not be able to participate…
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