7 Ways to Give Yourself an Emotional Boost

Caregiver in Colts Neck NJ

As a family caregiver you are probably more stressed out than you even realize. The good news is that you can add just a few techniques to your day and give yourself an emotional boost whenever you need one.


Even when you don’t really feel like smiling, the act of smiling can have an impact on your emotions. Try practicing a smile while you’re doing something mundane, like doing the dishes. You might just find that it helps to boost your mood more than you thought possible.

Call a Friend

Take some time out to call up a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Catch up and try sharing funny stories with your friend. You’ll find that the action of connecting with someone else can do a lot for your mood.

Take a Bubble Bath

A bubble bath can be the ultimate in luxury, especially if you’re normally so pressed for time that a quick shower is all you seem to manage. Set aside some time after everyone else is in bed or  otherwise occupied and soak for a while in a hot tub of bubbles. Take a book with you or catch up on your latest streaming show.

Read Just for Fun

Speaking of books, when is the last time that you read something just because you wanted to? Spend some time, even if it’s just five stolen minutes a day, reading something just for fun. It’s a huge mood booster and you’re doing something just for you.

Go Get a Massage

If you have a little more time than just five minutes, consider booking a massage for yourself. They’re incredibly relaxing and a great way to get rid of all that muscle tension that builds up as you go about your daily activities.

Buy Yourself Some Flowers

The next time you’re at the grocery store, stop by the flower bins. Grab a bouquet that you like the looks of and take it home to put in a vase. You might be surprised just how often the flowers catch your eye and you might find yourself smiling just a little bit more.

Spend Some Time in Nature

Spending even a few minutes a week out in nature can really help you to keep your perspective about life. Take the time to enjoy flowers, trees, and waterfalls if you can.

Adding even a few of these ideas to your week can give you a much-needed emotional boost.


If you or an aging loved one are considering caregiver services in Colts Neck, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Lares Home Care 1-800-781-7435 or 732-566-1112.