Home Care Assistance – The Benefits Your Dad Gains by Staying Active in Later Life

Home Care Assistance

Have you ever considered how your dad can stay active as he ages? Activity is an important part of aging in place. Learn more about the different benefits of an active lifestyle.

Better Mental Health

When your dad is active, he’s able to interact with different people. He’s also getting outside, hopefully, for fresh air and sunshine, which can boost his mood. The mood-boosting benefits can help his mental health.

Your dad will also feel better about himself. His self-esteem and confidence increase when he’s active and can do things for himself. If he’s able to get outside with minimal assistance to work in his gardens or play with his dog, it can do a lot to boost his confidence and help him feel self-assured.

Disease Prevention

Loneliness has been linked to larger amounts of Interleukin-6, which increases the risk of inflammation that is linked to things like diabetes, heart disease, and dementia. Your dad needs as much social interaction with different people as he can get. Volunteering is a good way to socialize with a variety of other people.

Social activity is one aspect to consider, but physical activity also helps with weight loss, lowers blood pressure, and improves your mood, which is important to avoid many other health conditions.

Lowered Risk of Falls

Regular exercise helps strengthen muscles and joints, which lowers the risk of a fall. Even as much as a daily walk can be an important way to lower your dad’s fall risk. A brisk pace is important, so he may want to have a cane or walking stick as he builds muscle.

If he needs Someone with him when he is walking, a home care aide is a good solution if you’re busy at work or don’t live nearby. He’ll have a caregiver available once a week, several times a week, or each day to join him on walks around the neighborhood or at a local park or forest trail.

Improved Cognitive Skills

There have been studies that find that socially active people have a lower risk of decreased cognitive function. The Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation reported that studies find people aged 60 or older with little social engagement have a 2.37 times higher risk of cognitive decline.

The more friends and acquaintances your dad spends time with, the better it is. Family members provide some level of companionship and socialization, but your dad will gain bigger benefits with more people to talk to. That’s where home care assistance makes a big difference.

Home care assistance helps your dad remain as active as he can. With a little support to ensure he’s safe while living independently, he’s at less risk of a fall, malnutrition, or lack of exercise. Talk to a home care assistance expert to discuss scheduling and pricing.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care assistance in Matawan, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Lares Home Care 888-492-3538 or 732-566-1112.


Roy Kleinert
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