10 Ways To Keep Your Mom Cool And Comfortable This Summer

Personal care at home can help your elderly mom stay cool in the summer.
Personal care at home can help your elderly mom stay cool in the summer.

The hot weather is here, and for seniors like your mom, that can lead to a lot of uncomfortable days and nights. With temperatures getting hotter every year, seniors who have difficulty regulating their body temperatures can end up miserable from the heat.

If your mom is living alone and you’re worried about how she will stay cool this summer, make sure that she has easy access to air conditioning. If the home she lives in doesn’t have central air, make sure there are window air conditioner units in the bedroom and the living room to help keep her cool. 

Some other things, including personal care at home services, that will help your senior mom stay cool and comfy throughout the blazing hot summer are:

Daily Showers

Most experts don’t recommend that seniors shower every day because it can dry out the skin. But, when the weather is very warm and humid, a lukewarm shower before bed is a fantastic way to regulate body temperature.

Make sure that your mom has personal care at home services. With personal care at home, an experienced caregiver with training in the most effective ways to help seniors with hygiene care will help your mom shower. Having personal care at home is the best way to ensure that your mom can shower safely. 

Stay Hydrated

Cool water is a must-have beverage for hot weather.  Encourage your mom to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

Personal care at home caregivers can help your seniors avoid beverages that can cause dehydration, such as alcohol and caffeinated drinks.  Sports drinks with electrolytes can help prevent heat strokes, but make sure she has the sugar-free kind. 

Use Fans and Air Conditioning

Does your mom’s home have ceiling fans? If so, keep them on and make sure they are turned in the right direction. If not, get some box fans. Put them in strategic spots in the house to keep air circulating and to help dry sweat on your mom’s body. 

Buy Her Some Natural Fiber Clothes

Lightweight natural fiber clothes will help your senior mom stay cool. Natural fibers allow for more air circulation. As air circulates it will dry any sweat so that it’s not sitting on her skin. Linen and cotton clothing are both excellent choices for summer clothes in hot climates. 

Avoid Strenuous Activities

Make sure that your mom doesn’t do any strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day. Instead, she can engage in gentle activities during cooler morning or evening hours. Mid-afternoon, when the weather is hottest, is the perfect time for her to take a nap in a cool spot with a fan running. 

Use Cool Compresses

A great way to cool down quickly is to apply cool, damp washcloths or ice packs to your mom’s wrists, neck, and forehead. If you or a care provider notice that your mom is getting red-faced, sweaty, or feverish cool compresses or ice packs can bring her temperature down fast. 

Stay Indoors During Peak Heat

Recommend to your mom that she stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day, typically between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun is strongest.

Eat Light Meals

Suggest she eats smaller, light meals rather than heavy, hot dishes. Fresh fruits, salads, and cold soups can be refreshing and easier to digest in the heat. Personal care at home caregivers can help with homemade popsicles made from fruit puree, heavy cream, and fruit juice, which are a delicious, healthy, cold treat for your mom. Try some!

Use Cooling Products

Look into cooling products such as towels, vests, or portable fans that can provide additional relief from the heat. You can also buy cooling pads for the bed, pillows with built-in cooling systems, and mattresses with air cooling systems. 

Keep Blinds and Curtains Closed

Keep blinds and curtains closed during the day to block out the sun’s rays and prevent the home from heating up. Personal care at home services can help keep your senior’s home comfortable and cool.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Personal Care at Home in Middletown, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Lares Home Care (732) 334-3323.

Roy Kleinert
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