What You Should Know About Whooping Cough and Your Senior
Senior Care in Freehold Township NJ: What You Should Know About Whooping Cough and Your Senior
One of your most important and effective tools in your caregiver journey with your elderly parent is awareness. When you are aware of the risks that your aging parent is facing, you are better able to make the care decisions that will reduce those risks and protect your senior, or enable you to give them the care that they need to handle the issues that do arise. This can help your parent to stay healthier and happier as they age in place.
One issue that your senior faces that you might not think of immediately is pertussis. Also known as whooping cough, this is a condition that is often thought of as being a risk only for young children but that is actually a high risk for older adults. Understanding this condition can help you to care for your parent in a way that can reduce the chances they will suffer serious consequences associated with it.
Some things that you should know about whooping cough and your aging loved one include:
- The instance of whooping cough among elderly adults has more than doubled in the last five years
- In 2015, nearly 20,770 cases of whooping cough were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- This number was down from the nearly 33,000 cases in 2014, which was up from just under 29,000 the year before
- In 2012, there were nearly 48,300 cases of whooping cough reported, which puts that year as the highest year of reporting since 1955
- 20 people died of whooping cough during this year of reporting
- Experts state that many cases of whooping cough occur each year that are not reported to the CDC and are not properly treated
- Whooping cough is extremely contagious and spreads from person to person quickly
- The coughing episodes caused by whooping cough can last for up to 10 weeks, or even more
- Though the “whoop” sound for which the disease got its colloquial name is common among children, many adults will not exhibit this symptom.
If you are concerned that your elderly loved one is at particular risk for suffering from whooping cough or another serious health issue, or they are dealing with a condition or disease that increases their vulnerability to such issues, now may be the ideal time for you to consider starting senior care for them. A senior home care services provider can be with your aging parent on a customized schedule that is right for their needs, as well as the care that you give them. This means that they will receive the support, assistance, care, and encouragement that they need to address their needs and help them to remain safe, comfortable, healthy, and happy as they age in place. When it comes to protecting your aging parent and helping them to avoid serious health issues, this senior care provider can help your parent to understand the risks that they are facing and what they can do to reduce those risks. They can then support them in remaining compliant with the guidelines and recommendations given to them by their doctor, and in making good lifestyle choices, such as eating a healthy diet, staying active, and keeping up with an aggressive germ control approach.
If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Freehold Township, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Lares Home Care 888-492-3538 or 732-566-1112.
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